VIG competence model – expansion to include expert competences

The Group-wide core competences defined by VIG describe the employee and management conduct and approaches that form the basis for the Company’s success. After revising core and management competences in 2011, the focus was shifted in 2012 to another employee group critical to the success of the Company – experts. In order to increase their value and visibility in the Group, career profiles, specific competences and career paths were developed. A detailed procedure involving a large number of executives and experts from the Group was used for this purpose.

A pilot project implementing the competences is planned for 2013. The expert competences will then be rolled out across the Group in 2014 and 2015 based on the findings of the pilot project, and specific opportunities prepared that are aimed at increasing their value to the Company and providing development perspectives.


Executive development in 2012

As part of the Group-wide training initiative, the custom-designed Leadership Development Programme was provided for the executive target group again in 2012. Renowned lecturers from the IEDC – Bled School of Management in Slovenia held discussions on the topics of strategy, leadership and operational performance with high-level VIG participants. The target group included both young and experienced executives, primarily top management from across the Group. With close to 30 participants from 20 different Group companies and eleven different countries, 30% of them women, the programme illustrated the diversity in the day-to-day life at VIG. Graduates of the Leadership Development Programme are offered targeted in-depth seminars on varying topics with a variety of renowned experts.

Core competences of VIG employees

  • Service quality and customer-orientation
  • Personal responsibility and contribution to the success of the business
  • Openness to change and solution focus
  • Collaboration and networking

In addition, a new three-module programme was developed in 2012 for the target group of "young executives and high potential individuals for management positions". The focus is on the topics of management role development, management tools and sales-orientation in daily practice. Learning expeditions to other companies and discussions with charismatic external and VIG professionals help participants change their perspectives and see the bigger picture.