Sabo family , Bratislava, Slovakia (photo)

Ivan Sabo, Customer of Kooperativa Bratislava, Slovakia

What does quality of life mean to you, Mr Sabo?

Sabo: Although it might seem quite mundane to many, quality of life means security to me. This security is based on my “social safety net”, namely my family and friends. I feel good when they are doing well. It makes me happy to see how enthusiastic my daughter is as she learns new things day after day – and how my wife manages to make my life richer in so many ways time and time again. The feeling that someone is there when I need them, and to feel needed myself, is unbelievably important to me.

“To me, quality of life means security.”

Of course, this emotional security also needs support in the material world. My quality of life is therefore also maintained by my work. I am a businessman and the more successful my business is, the more I can contribute in this way. Naturally, if you have worked hard for something, you want to protect it. So it is important to me to have a reliable partner who can do this. By that I mean my insurance company, Kooperativa, which frees me from many worries and therefore helps protect my quality of life.
