We have great confidence in the future and do our part to shape it, including working beyond the boundaries of our Company. As a successful international insurance group, we feel it is our responsibility to help bring about a future worth living. We have therefore given ourselves the goal of successfully combining the profit-making aspects of our business with social and environmental factors.
Maria Culescu, Founder and President of the aid organisation M.A.M.E., Romania (photo)

Maria Culescu, Founder and President of the aid organisation M.A.M.E. Association that supports patients with cancer and other severe illnesses (for more information visit: www.asociatiamame.com), Bucharest, Romania

Are companies that show social responsibility more successful, Ms Culescu?

Culescu: Yes, of course, if their goals and strategy are also good! In my opinion, companies should look at social responsibility as an opportunity to make a direct contribution to sustainable society.

“Social involvement has to be seen as an investment.”

Social involvement has to be seen as an investment. Companies can use it to provide long-term support to the community in which they operate. I am happy to see that a growing number of Romanian companies are increasing their activities in this area.

Many managers are obviously starting to look beyond sales performance – they have recognised that having the respect of others can also be a success factor and creates a win-win situation for both company and society. Companies can improve their image while doing something good for society. It is therefore quite clear to me that social involvement is a competitive advantage.

The Romanian VIG subsidiary Asirom has become one of our most reliable cooperation partners, and our project work with them is highly successful. This relationship is based on reciprocity. We provide our partner with all of the documents and reports needed to ensure efficient evaluation. This transparency creates trust and, in the end, long-term cooperation.
