The “We are Family” concept is a central component and idea in the new mission statement of the Vienna Insurance Group.

This mission statement is a main theme running through the way the Vienna Insurance Group understands itself, now and in the future.


WE are at home in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

WE are a leading insurer in CEE.

WE are family.

WE care about people especially.

WE are aware of our social responsibility.

WE create value sustainably.

WE want to be the leader.

“We are family” – Implementation of the Multi-brand Strategy
The Vienna Insurance Group is one big family, in which each Group company bears its own brand as a given name and the Group brand Vienna Insurance Group as a family name. The given name stands for proximity to customers and local competence. The Vienna Insurance Group family name is a symbol that strongly stands for international operations, strength and experience.

Integrating the Vienna Insurance Group family name into local company names and logos further consolidates the strong local brands. In this way, the Vienna Insurance Group perfectly combines the independent brand image and optimal positioning required for local companies with the uniform image of the Group as a whole.

These integration measures taken by the Vienna Insurance Group create added value for the individual Group company brands that will be further expanded and strengthened in the future.

Our Strategic Focus for the Future:
Strong Brands, Proximity to Customers and Efficiency through Best Practices
The multi-brand strategy incorporating the Vienna Insurance Group family name as an element of added value in local brands is continuing to be pursued. In order to maximise the benefits of this strategy, the Vienna Insurance Group will build upon its previous successes by continuing to rigorously press ahead with the development of its markets while also further strengthening the transfer of know-how between members of the family.


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