All of the insurance classes in which the Vienna Insurance Group is active made solid contributions to the outstanding growth in Group profit. Profit before taxes reached EUR 437.30 million in 2007, representing an increase of 36.2% compared to the previous year.
Growth driven by property/casualty insurance in 2007
The portion of the profit before taxes of the Vienna Insurance Group that came from the property/casualty insurance area rose by EUR 89.38 million, or 50.9% greater than 2006, to EUR 265.07 million.

Life insurance at nearly EUR 160 million
The portion of the total profit of the Vienna Insurance Group contributed by the life insurance area also rose by an outstanding 18.7%, to EUR 157.20 million.
Profit growth of 17.3% in the health insurance area
The health insurance area contributed EUR 15.03 million to the total profit of the Vienna Insurance Group.