Each of the 20,307 employees in the Vienna Insurance Group shares in the responsibility for the outstanding business development achieved by the Group.
The following companies became new members of the Vienna Insurance Group in 2007:
- Poland: TU Polski Związek Motorowy S.A. (TU PZM), FinLife TUnZ S.A. (FinLife)
- Albania (Macedonian branch office): Sigma Sh.a.
- Turkey: Ray Sigorta A.Ş.
- Romania: Asirom S.A.
- Ukraine: Ukrainska Strakhova Grupa (USG)
- Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania): Seesam Life Insurance SE
For the moment, only one of these companies has been added to the consolidated Group of companies for the Vienna Insurance Group, namely, Ray Sigorta A.S., which was acquired at the beginning of 2007. The other new acquisitions have not yet been added to the consolidated group.
Risk Management
The detailed risk report for the Vienna Insurance Group is in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.