Female Supervisory Board members

Women hold approximately 9% of the positions in Vienna Insurance Group supervisory boards across Europe, and approximately 15% in the Austrian insurance companies. Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell was newly elected to the Vienna Insurance Group Supervisory Board (holding company) in 2012.

Female Managing Board members

Women hold approximately 20% of the positions on the managing boards of Vienna Insurance Group insurance companies. This means that the average percentage of women holding top management positions at Vienna Insurance Group is significantly higher than in comparable companies, such as the 61 largest German insurance companies, where an average of 6% of the managing board positions are held by women.

In addition, one third of the executives newly appointed to VIG insurance company managing boards in 2012, or newly appointed to the position of chairman or deputy chairman of a managing board, were women. This appointment policy is not based on an internal quota for women, but is instead the result of selecting applicants strictly on the basis of qualifications. As a result, it can be assumed that the percentage of women in top positions at VIG will continue to increase over the medium term.

Women in management positions

Including distribution, women hold approximately 40% of the management positions at the level directly below the managing board in VIG insurance companies across Europe (not including distribution: 45%).

One of the stated goals of Vienna Insurance Group's personnel strategy is to identify and remove barriers to women's careers. A number of different approaches are used to achieve this goal. For example, a key project in the international 2012/2013 Leadership Development Programme in Bled is dedicated to the identification of such barriers.