The Vienna Insurance Group places great importance on continuous communication with the capital market and personal contact with analysts and investors. Investor relations activities have continuously increased and expanded every year, especially since the first capital increase in 2005, which significantly raised the proportion of free float shares to close to 30%.
The management of the Vienna Insurance Group took part in nine conferences organised by the most prominent national and international banks, which for the most part were held in London. The Group also made presentations at seven roadshows jointly organised by the Vienna Stock Exchange and a number of in
vestment banks operating in Austria. Individual and group meetings were held to provide investors in Tokyo, Milan, Paris, Zurich, London and New York with an opportunity to learn about the Vienna Insurance Group’s strategy and business performance. The Group itself organised a total of 14 roadshows to select destinations, including Frankfurt, Prague, Geneva, Brussels, New York, Toronto and Boston. Group management held many meetings with existing and potential new investors to discuss current and potential future developments relating to the Vienna Insurance Group.
A detailed, up-to-date list of bank conferences and roadshows previously attended or planned for the future, along with the documents used at those events, is available at all times at www.vig.com/ir.

Retail investors also had an opportunity to interact personally with the management of the Vienna Insurance Group in 2009. The event series organised by the online magazine Börse Express has established itself successfully in the last few years, and many retail shareholders have taken advantage of the opportunity to learn about listed Austrian companies. In June, management and investor relations representatives were available for a question and answer period following the presentation. The Vienna Insurance Group is planning to participate in another Börse Express roadshow in April 2010, and those interested are cordially invited to attend.