The average number of employees in the fully consolidated companies (including cleaning personnel) was 19,271 (17,746). Of these, 9,942 (8,856) were active in sales, resulting in personnel expenses of EUR 242.378 million (EUR 214.046 million), and 9,329 (8,890) were in operations, resulting in personnel expenses of EUR 263.625 million (EUR 243.935 million).
The average number of employees in proportionally consolidated companies (including cleaning personnel) was 1,036 (841). Of these, 517 (514) were active in sales, resulting in personnel expenses of EUR 2.148 million (EUR 1.172 million), and 519 (327) were in operations, resulting in personnel expenses of EUR 3.726 million (EUR 3.457 million).
The following individuals were appointed as trustees during the fiscal year in accordance with § 22 (1) of the Austrian Insurance Supervision Act (VAG):
Mag. Oskar Ulreich
Substitute: Mag. Nicole Plankenbüchler
Starting in 2008:
Trustee – life insurance department – § 20 para. 2 line 1 VAG (as per 1 January 2008):
Mag. Oskar Ulreich
Substitute: Mag. Nicole Plankenbüchler
Trustee except for life insurance department – § 20 para. 2 line 1 VAG (as per 1 February 2008):
Mag. Wolfgang Pechriggl
Substitute: Mag. Michael Hysek