The Vienna Insurance Group is the leading insurance group in Austria and a top player in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The Group is a composite insurer that offers its customers innovative products and modern insurance solutions in the property/casualty, life insurance and health insurance business.
Leading Position in the CEE Region
The Vienna Insurance Group was one of the first insurance groups to recognise and quickly take advantage of the growth opportunities offered by a unified Europe. Today, the Group is one of the most important players in the CEE region. The Vienna Insurance Group now participates in 23 markets, extending from Turkey in the south to Estonia in the north, and Vaduz in the west to Vladivostok in the east, thereby achieving broad geographic diversification. The Vienna Insurance Group is one of the market leaders in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Georgia. In a comparison with other international insurance groups, the Vienna Insurance Group is No. 1 in the CEE region in non-life insurance, and occupies an outstanding second place in the overall market*.
Pure Play in the CEE Region
The Vienna Insurance Group is optimally positioned to participate in the increased need for insurance accompanying the rising standard of living in the countries of the CEE region. The proportion of total Group premiums contributed by Group companies in the CEE region already exceeded 40% in 2007, even rising to almost 58% in the property/casualty area. No other international insurance company generates such a high proportion of its premiums in this high-growth region.
Listed in Vienna and Prague
The shares of Vienna Insurance Group have been listed in the Prime Market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange since 2005 and are part of the leading index ATX. The highly satisfying performance it has achieved in recent years is a reflection of the confidence financial markets have in the company. To further increase its attractiveness for investors and to expand the Group’s presence in the capital market in the CEE region, since early February 2008 its shares have also been listed on the Prague Stock Exchange. Since 1 February 2008, the shares have been traded under the international name Vienna Insurance Group (securities symbol VIG).
*Market position (Vienna Insurance Group) – Definition CEE: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Hungary.

Vienna Insurance Group by region (Status as of 31 December 2007)

The CEE markets of Albania, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Russia and Belarus were not yet included in the scope of consolidation in 2007. Branch offices in Italy and Slovenia belong to Wiener Städtische AG.