Vienna Insurance Group

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V.I.G. companies in Slovakia

Kooperativa poisťovňa a.s,
Vienna Insurance Group


Logo Kooperativa poistovna a.s (logo)

Member of V.I.G. since:


Area of operations:

Life and Non-life


approx. 1,250

Market position:

2nd place

Market share:

approx. 23%


approx. 440

Kooperativa is the largest Slovakian insurance company in the Vienna Insurance Group, has a market share in excess of 20% and operates successfully in both the life and non-life sectors. The needs of its customers are serviced by around 700 salaried Kooperativa field staff and around 1,800 external distribution partners.

In 2009, the Vienna Insurance Group took important steps to further integrate the Slovakian companies in the area of customer service. Kooperativa and Komunálna jointly reorganised non-life claims processing into three new regional centres over the course of the year. By combining their know-how and making use of synergies, claims processing became more customer-friendly and economical.

Komunálna poisťovňa a.s,
Vienna Insurance Group


Logo Komunálna poistovna a.s. (logo)

Member of V.I.G. since:


Area of operations:

Life and Non-life


approx. 330

Market position:

4th place

Market share:

approx. 7%


approx. 60

The merger of the Slovakian Group companies Kontinuita and Komunálna will allow the synergies of these two companies to be exploited even more efficiently in the future. Since October 2009, the two companies have been operating successfully in the Slovakian insurance market with the strong composite insurer resulting from the merger, Komunálna poisťovňa.


Poisťovňa Slovenskej sporitel'ne, a.s.
Vienna Insurance Group (PSLSP)


Logo Poistovna Slovenskej sporitelne, a.s. (logo)

Member of V.I.G. since:


Area of operations:



approx. 50

Market position Life

9th place

Market share Life:

approx. 3%

PSLSP too has been a member of the Vienna Insurance Group family, since 2008. The company began its insurance operations at the beginning of 2003, and is now one of the top 10 life insurance companies in Slovakia. PSLSP’s main channel of distribution is Slovakia’s largest commercial bank, Slovenská sporiteľňa, which has around 2.5 million customers and more than 270 branches.

PSLSP operates successfully in the life insurance area and offers its customers a full range of products. In addition to single-premium life insurance policies, the sale of products with regular premium payments is now being promoted. PSLSP received an award from the business magazine Trend in 2009. The outstanding second place that the company received in this ranking, which was focused on profitability and equity capital, shows that even a small company can become highly successful in the market over the long term.